Sunday, November 13, 2011

Evaluating and Identifying Online Resources

Understanding How The Brain Learns

     This site expresses what researchers have developed over the years. It discusses how the improvements will lead to educational programs and allow us to expand our knowledge as we learn about the brain. With the advancement of technology we are able to look inside of the head and see how the brain is function. It goes on to give extended resources to help give more insight on brain functions.

     This site allows people to understand the growth that has come with the development of how the brain works. It gives insight on where we have been and where we are going the more we learn about the functions.

How the Brain Learns Best

     This site explains how we are changing the brain and using this muscle to maintain and receive information. The brain needs to exercised with different learning tools. By knowing helpful learning strategies it gives the learner a chance to relate what works for them.

     It also describes how the neural system goes fatigue quickly. A person has to be able to pay attention in oder to learn. The mind has to take a rest in order to respond to the new information that is being taught. It gives ways to help children be more receptive to learning facts.

This is a great site for instructional teachers because it helps with pointing out what is going on when the brain is learning new material.

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